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No part of this poetry should be reproduced in any form without written consent from the author, Joe DiMino who retains all rights. Contact.

"How?" by Joe DiMino.

How is a politician identified?
By the length of his nose;
If years of experience
Bent to his toes—
An extra bend
If he is a she
With breasts—
The honest few
By the majority
Considered annoying pests;

How do we, when on in years,
Convince the grandchildren
That people were once
Reasonably free:
Free for enterprise,
Free for art—
Free to just simply be;
Free—to make mistakes,
Then argue,
Come together
In greater society;

Self-centered or by fear
Occupied with concerns
Of predominately me,
When we could have been heard—
How do we tell?
When we are gone
Without our voices,
Tell the next generation
Left no free-choices,
We are sorry
Our legacy is
Such misery….

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