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"Tonight I Will Not Travel" (by Joe DiMino)

Tonight I will not travel—
Refrain the flight
Of even to dream
A new map for being.

Content to stay
With this pinnacle of blossom—

Shooting star suspended
Out of time and space
Held in essence,
A jewel aloft, infinite—

The perfect wine

And the vintage of lips
And palate—Divine with human—

Go no further,
Falling out or in,
Of the Moment-eternal;

Holding on to this one
As long as I can,

Not using force, but sweet surrender—

No more thought
Of before and after—
Certain the best is conception;

Never the act of creating
But creation itself;

Not the coming into being—but being;

Not the projection of all
That I am to be
Into the moment of being,
But being in the moment—

What is this pure potential
Of me?

I let even the question go;

Release for overwhelming presence—

Outside of seeking and finding,
Outside of life and death;
I feel closer to God and immortality than ever—

Simply realizing I am
And that is enough.

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